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6 Steps to Create the Best Digital Experience for Your E-Commerce Business 

Steps to create digital experience

Be it a small or established eCommerce website. If you provide the best digital experience can only increase your business engagement and revenue. Keeping this in mind, we have created 6 steps that help every eCommerce business to give the best digital experience for your customers.




30-second summary:



  1. The novel coronavirus pandemic has forced many of them to go digital and purchase online to avoid the spread of viruses.
  2. On the other hand, you must also understand, there are chances people’s lifestyles would completely change post-covid-19. It means half of the crowd will rely completely on eCommerce.
  3. At this point, creating the best digital experience for your eCommerce business is necessary. Therefore, in this article, you will look at the top 6 steps that will help you to create a compelling digital experience. 

6 Steps in Creating the Hassle-Free Digital Experience for Your E-commerce Website:

“Experience” is one of those more powerful words in e-commerce than conversion. If your e-commerce website provides the best digital experience to the users, then your visitors would automatically turn into customers. 


So without any ads, let’s look at what “experience” truly means in the context of eCommerce. 


Experience is not a single element. It encompasses multiple sensory inputs or other ways that help in dragging the user to engage with your brand.


There are almost endless possibilities to enhance the digital experience for your customers. But, here are the 6 steps that we recommend to start creating the best digital experience you’ve envisioned. 



  1.  Evaluate the current state of your website


Before you start to improve a rich and compelling digital shopping experience to your consumers. 

Ensure all the technologies incorporated in your e-commerce website are updated and still providing value to the customers. 



  • Do Competitor analysis 


Whenever you start to redecorate your eCommerce website, it is imperative to give close attention to your competitors’ stores. 


For example: Take a close look at: How are they positioning and showcasing their products to the users? 


What tools and tactics are they employing to enhance conversions and retention rates? 

At the same time, I am not telling you to copy your competitor’s site, but you can take inspiration from them and deliver the best out of it.




  • Mobile friendly


Today, the use of mobile phones has increased tremendously among people. This in turn increases Mobile e-commerce traffic than the web. 

So, take some time to dig into the shopping experience on mobile and identify if there are any hassles the customers face. If you found it, try to eliminate and provide the best user experience.



  • Site speed

It is one of the major factors that affect the digital shopping experience for consumers. 

If any customers find you on search engines and click on your web page to know more. At this point, if your page loads slow, it would lead to frustration and the user immediately gets out of your website- and simply clicks your competitor site. 

Moreover, this creates a negative impression on the users and they will never come back. 


2. Optimize for conversions

As long as your website has been working and you are gaining an amount of traffic, you can perform a conversion rate optimization audit. 

A CRO audit will give you the data that make or break the conversions across your e-commerce site.

For this, you can take advantage of web analytics tools and check out how your website is performing from the last six months to a year.


Thus, collect some of the data that help you to improve the customer experience.


  • Strong Calls to action


In just 2 to 4 words, have a powerful CTA that conveys a clear message to the user to take action. 

Furthermore, the design also plays a vital role in CTAs. Therefore, ensure the CTA button size is proportional to the rest of the text, and leave some white space around the border to make it bolder. 

Furthermore, you can also conduct A/B testing by creating two types of CTA’s like round and rectangular shape to know how it impacts performance. 


  • Product category structure

The product category structure creates a huge impact on your users’ perceptions, experience, and ability to find what they want and need. 

So, categorize and present the products in a well-structured manner for the best usability experience


  • Testimonials

Highlighting testimonials on your e-commerce website can be an important factor in your conversions. 

This is because it acts as social proof and gives a positive outlook about your business to the new users. 

Analytics confirms that 79% of people believe user-generated content acts as social proof by showcasing real customers’ experiences, highly impacts their purchasing decisions. 

So, add Testimonials and product reviews. This will serve as a way to provide social proof that the product is and does what it claims.  


  • The checkout process

It is the last process in the e-commerce business to make revenue. 

As per the study, it is reported that 21% of U.S. online shoppers have reported abandoning a cart because of a too long or complicated checkout process.

So, don’t make it more complicated by asking so much information from the user to complete the transaction.

This would lead to frustration and abandon their cart.

3. Build out an SEO strategy

SEO(Search Engine Optimization) isn’t a task, it is a process. 

This is considered as important to drive the right and huge traffic to your ecommerce website.

Furthermore, it plays a major role in things like your site speed, your customers’ ability to find your website, their ability to quickly find the products they need — either through search or relevant categorization.

So, it’s never too late to optimize your ecommerce site to improve the digital experience.  

  • Technical SEO 

Technical SEO is the process of ensuring your ecommerce website is optimized for both crawling and indexing. 


It can be a little complex if you’re a beginner, but you can make it happen through consultation with an experienced professional. Doing this will improve the findability, functionality, and usability of your site.


  • On-page SEO

On-page SEO is simply defined as optimizing every web page with relevant keywords to increase their ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). 


This can also be referred to as front-end optimization or within the HTML code. 


  • Local SEO 

If you are a brick-and-mortar retail owner or selling products particularly to a certain geographic region, you’ll need to optimize your SEO for local search. 


So, do some keyword research and optimize your content accordingly to appear on the search engine. For example, You can also add “near me” in content to find you. 


On the other hand, you should also ensure that your site looks good and works well on mobile devices, as just-in-time searches for physical locations are often conducted on the go.


  • Establish a Backlink Strategy

Backlinks are links that you added on the other websites to lead back to yours. For example,

  • You write an article(guest posts) to a media site and place a link of your product or service to redirect customers to your website. 


Backlinks help Google to understand that it is valuable content. That’s what gives it what’s called “domain authority.” 


Besides, make sure the backlinks that you provide are relevant. 


4. Create different types of content

The main goal of content marketing is to inform, educate, build authority, community, and trust. 


So, remember content is a great way to engage your customers while they’re on your site. This will keep them on-site longer and decrease the bouncing rate.


There are different types of content — text, visual, and multimedia. Creating it fresh and interesting, will make the experience of your eCommerce site more dynamic and interactive.


  • Blogs

As mentioned above, you can use the SEO strategies to create blog content that increases consumer’s digital experience by providing an engaging way to learn about your brand and products. 


Some of the functions of your blog posts include informing, entertaining your shoppers, and/or answering their questions about your product or services.


  • Videos 

Videos are the other form of popular content marketing that is used to communicate your brand story or highlight your products in a more engaging way by making customers feel like active participants.


Narrative-driven videos, product-driven videos are some of the engaging videos that can elicit deeper brand affinity in your customers. 


  • User-generated content

Content created by your consumers can build community affinity. Furthermore, it’s more authentic and acts as social proof to new users. 


On the whole, it leads to growing shoppers’ purchase intent. It also builds a solidifying relationship between you and your most loyal customers.


Therefore, increasing your ecommerce website with some user-generated content can also push shoppers into conversion.



5. Integrate social media

Today, everyone uses social media. This platform is becoming a vital part of human life. 


Thus, ensure your ecommerce business has a presence on the right social media platforms that allow you to deliver a strategic multi-channel experience. 


On the other hand, augmenting your social media with Messenger Chat can also help in answering shopper questions on-platform and this increases engagement.


6. Personalize, personalize, personalize


Customers always expect a personalized experience — and it can also make them more likely to bounce back to you frequently.


So, always use personalization to make consumers feel a unique level of service generally not otherwise available on an e-commerce website. 


  • Ecommerce product pages 

Having personalized eCommerce pages can scale up your business. 


For example, some of the eCommerce websites out there personalize product pages by giving additional recommendations based on products customers viewed or purchased before.


While others offer suggestions for products that are equal to the one featured on the page. 


Bliss does the latter, presenting this selection of related products on a product page:


  • Email marketing 


Personalization in email marketing can lead to a lot of different things. On top of this, it includes your customer’s actual name in the greeting and/or subject line, rather than saying “Hey, you!”.  


This will help in getting the right offers to the right people.


And you can also trigger emails to customers depending on their interactions with the site. 


  • Paid ads

You may think, Ads might not seem like the most personalized one. But it is, if you do some interesting things with that.  


So, what is it?


Let’s take if you ever landed on a site that looked like it was talking directly to you? (Or, at least, your company… ). 


Yes, if you’re advertising something in a more personalized tone, it will create engagement.


Retargeting is another way to target your shoppers, especially if they abandoned a transaction. 





All the above mentioned 6 steps may seem daunting at first to go about creating a digital experience on your ecommerce site. However, you must understand it doesn’t have to happen overnight. 


As you make incremental improvements, have a close look at your analytics to know what’s working and what isn’t, and manage it accordingly. 


Getting to a great digital experience is a journey; follow the steps in this article to start yours with confidence.


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